Can you fathom not being allowed to study such a vital part of your country's history??
That's such a huge crutch in yours as well as your communities' development!
I know most nations have issues with textbooks containing very limited information on certain touchy issues, but this article still made me stinkin' upset!
People who censor shit like that are complete morons who don't seem to get this:
You must understand the past to make sense of the present so you can work towards the future!
You can't just hide the bad and think it will disappear! Nothing stays perfectly repressed. They just manifest in countless other ways that seem to appear out of nowhere but are most definitely connected to past trauma and failed rehabilitation.
I know I sound like a crazy preachy 5th grade teacher, but SERIOUSLY! Everyone should study their own history. EVERYONE!!
Know how your great your people were, how greatly they got fucked over, and how greatly they fucked up. (Once you do this, you usually get connected to a whole bunch of other people's histories, too. Learn about them as well! We're all in this fucked up, beautiful world together.)
Find out what events affected your ancestors, your grandparents, your parents and eventually how it all carried over to yourself.
All you people who complain about how boring or useless history is, you need to grow up and be interested!!
People who tell me they hate history (i.e. many/most of my friends back home...:'( ) break my heart. I feel like I'm having this fascinating adventure transcending time and space, experiencing so many different emotions and so many different people, and in the meantime so many others are limited to the shallow, immediate world around them.
I'm sorry if I sound pretentious (god, I hate pretentious people), but I'm just trying to be honest.
And it's not like I'm totally looking down on that way of living, it's more like... sometimes
I have so much fun exploring all these different things, but sometimes it gets lonely or overwhelming when you're doing it on your own, you know?
And it's weird never being able to have any in-depth (or any) conversations about my favorite academic subject with any of my friends...
How come none of my friends are history majors...?
Waiiit... Are friends supposed to talk about this shit?
AUghhhh why am I so fucking nerdy sometimes???!
I'm just complaining because of this one thing, but I promise I love my friends and love talking to them about other stuff!!!!
(the other stuff just don't seem as important right now because I'm in the heat of the moment, but they
are very important!)
Anyway, that's why I love great history classes with great teachers (and sometimes... OK peers) (oh lord I hate people my age so much - that is another issue I must deal with later).
Great teachers are the cool, experienced guides who make the journey THAT much more amazing/entertaining!
Holy fuck I probably just raised my nerd level by at least 50 points with that statement.
I don't know how I deal with myself.