Friday, March 12, 2010

2NE1- Try To Follow Me MV

New 2NE1 music video! Their MVs always remind me how jealous i am of their stylist! and them for having their stylist! he's so cute, but he must be gay.... right? well, here's to hoping guys can actually be that fashionable and stylish and still be completely straight. I'm not sure I'd actually want to date someone so much more fashion-conscious than me, but... I like to keep my options open! :]
CL looks fucking awesome, per usual. From the polka dot hair to the leopard print suit, it must be sooo fun to be able to dress like that! I would give up one of my little toes to be able to pull that shit off. And she looks gorgeous in that Britney/Lady Gaga inspired crystal encrusted bit (esp her hair!). The other girls look good, too. Oh, and I love the stormtroopers sequence. Dara looks super adorable in boyish clothes because she's just so delicate and pretty. But yeah, she needs to not dance next to Minzy, who totally pwns her ass.

The song is whatevs, but catchy (the end with CL is cuute). I think they did it for a commercial? I'm excited for their comeback.

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