Sunday, June 20, 2010


I'm feeling much better. I cleaned and reorganized my room (many thanks to my girl Silviaaaa) and it feels so much better! I'm really excited to go shopping to decorate, too. :). My mom told me she wants to get me new bed sheets and curtains so that should be fun. I really wanted to paint my room, too (because my walls are a bit fucked up) but moving all the heavy ass furniture around yesterday night has made me rethink that option. hahahaa. I am soooo sore. and I'm pretty sure there's something seriously wrong with my leg(s). I think I'm going to go get them x-rayed... sigh... I hate being damaged. Being physically limited is a really strange experience. It disturbs me that I can't do something as simple as going up and down the stairs without limping/ being in pain.

Anyway, it's been a wild, hectic week (month?) and I really need some rest. It has definitely been lots of fun but dang, having fun is also exhausting!! I'm craving some alone time. reading a great book. watching a good movie. going for a walk listening to my ipod. regroup my thoughts and think about who Susie is and what Susie wants. :P just for a few days~.

I'm not completely sure I'm going to Santa Cruz on Thursday anymore. I was supposed to go with Miriam and her friend Jess, but there are some issues with which car to take and anyway I really want to go to Andrew's high school graduation, which is on Thursday. He's basically my 2nd little brother and I really want to celebrate with him and the rest of the Namkung family. Eugene was trying to convince me that going to Andrew's graduation was more important than going to SC and yeah I know going to SC is a selfish desire... so maybe I should just let that option go since it seems kinda complicated anyway? Sighh I don't know. Miriam's gonna get back to me by tomorrow with more info. If anything, I really wish we could just leave on Friday... Best of both worlds? :)

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