Tuesday, December 1, 2009

A Single Man

I've been meaning to mention this foreverrrr, but
I reallyyyy want to see this movie.

(this is the unofficial (& slightly better) trailer Tom Ford released before the studio)
Isn't it filthy gorgeous? not to mention angsty as fuck <3 :)

It comes out Dec 11 in NY, LA and SF. (I get back to LA on the 10th!)

Yay, I guess it could be the first movie I watch back home. gonna try to drag my friends with me. hehe. ;]

Anyway, Colin Firth looks so dashing as a gay, middle-aged professor. Who knew? (Of course, being British helps.)
Also, I am pleased to see Matthew Goode looking much better than he did in his last role as Adrian Veidt (Watchmen).
And Julianne Moore is just... Julianne Moore.

Here's what Mr. Ford had to say about it:
"This (film) for me was the first pure artistic expression that I've ever created so in that way it's much more personal to me and I'm more vulnerable in a way because it is so personal."

I'm wishing him a lot of luck! Not that the rich bastard needs it.

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