Monday, November 22, 2010

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Pt. 1 x2

Deathly Hallows had the biggest opening weekend for the HP franchise ever! $125.1 million domestically and $330 million worldwide. I actually ended up contributing to these numbers twice, as I caught the movie for its midnight premiere and then went to another screening the following night....
Puahahaa. It wasn't even because I LOVED the movie (although the movie was fine). It just turned out that way because I hung out with different people.
I must say, David Yates did some great things with the movie, though. Some scenes were completely more memorable and effective than I expected them to be, such as the beginning scene when Hermione heartbreakingly erases memories of herself from her parents' minds in order to protect them, and the animated narration of  "Tale of the Three Brothers."  I also loved the little scenes added to the movie to make up for the loss of longer, more detailed scenes of character  interaction like when Hermione tries to teach Ron "Fur Elise" on the piano or when Harry tries to cheer Hermione up with the silly dance. I felt they were very true to character.
I did notice several flaws especially because I saw it twice, but most were easy enough to overlook.
The obvious ones bugged me, though (like Harry not removing his glasses before diving into the water!!).
But overall, a very solid film. I commend Yates for executing the past 3 films in a consistently well-done manner. Also, I credit him for bringing out the best in the young actors.

P.S. Weasley twins were hot! Rawrr. & Bill Weasley was suuuper cute. Rawrrrrrr! ;)

Friday, November 12, 2010

Matt Lauer is the real douchebag.
The Today Show can go suck a dirty nut.
George Bush makes me wanna hurl everything from my intestines and up. ughhh.
Kanye, you have nothing to apologize for. Keep marchin to the beat of your own drum, kiddo. (Maybe take some public speaking classes, though? I say this with love.)