Thursday, January 28, 2010

another one...

J.D. Salinger passed away!! Aww... I remember the first time I read Franny and Zooey....... I was so in love with it. I think I actually read it before Catcher in the Rye (which I didn't really like- something about it was too masculine/hard for me?? and I thought Holden was a little jackass). I even wanted to name my kids Franny and Zooey, and I thought Zooey was just the cutest thing ever <3. I haven't thought about the Glass family in so long... Poor Seymour... Walt... the idea that you could meet the love of your life and not be able to spend the rest of your life with that person?! tore my heart. hahha... I never really loved Salinger beyond the world he created, but I must say I truly appreciate him for having given me one of my early great reading experiences. I wanna read F&Z and his short stories again... to see if I still like them. I feel like I might actually hate them because of their super-whiteness, but ... hey, I don't hate all white stuff! Part of me is such a nerdy little white boy... yupp. ^^
Another thing. I seem have it in my head that Zooey is gay. I can't recall if this is actually mentioned in the book or if it's something I added on to him myself... oops.

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