Monday, February 8, 2010

"LA X"

Thoughts about Season 6 so far?


I'd seriously forgotten how invested I'd been in these characters!! And how mesmerizing the viewing experience could be!! Is there any other show on tv that can satiate all my nerdy, romantic, cynical, hopeful and fantastic desires as effectively as this magnificent production? NO.
(Again, thank you, Abrams, Lindelof, Cuse and co.)

Some quick thoughts (Spoiler Alert! OBVIOUSLY):

The parallel universe where the plane never crashed is freaky, no? I'm excited to see all the consequences of having tried to change past. I hated Jack for wanting to turn back everything, especially because it all came down to KATE?!?!?! wtf? (and even besides that, it just goes to prove how limited his world view is. but we all knew that already). However, it's made room for some interesting scenarios, so... OK, Jack!

It was PAINFUL seeing Locke in such a pitiful state again. I did enjoy seeing his interaction with Jack, though. especially when juxtaposed with their power struggle on the island as well as Jack's eventual conversion to Locke's mentality after Locke's death (murder, whatevs).

Poor, poor Ben. I've always had a soft spot in my heart for this troubled, misunderstood, sometimes evil and relentlessly manipulative little man. Haha... I love the irony of his turn into a powerless pawn in an inconceivably greater game than anybody could have imagined. It's so fun to see him trying to gain some sort of future advantage by observing every necessary detail and storing it in that tricky brain of his.

Hellooo Japanese man!! He's the guy from Ringu!! Except more attractive with age! and er, his long hair? temple clothes? bare feet? I don't know. What I do know is that his Japanese is beautiful! I loved hearing him talk. And that line: "I don't like the way English tastes on my tongue." HAHAHA. oops. Just kidding, English! You're... perfect... the way you are... Ahem.

I pray to god Sawyer is permanently finished with Kate! He was so amazing with Juliet- the way they brought out the best in each other- that I can't support him with any other lady. especially an immature, selfish brat like Kate (sorry Kate lovers, but y'alls are crazy!!). I'm okay with Jack being with her, though. They can be immature and selfish together. Maybe they'll cancel each other out? I mean, they mirror each others' flaws, which is why I think their relationship is so volatile, but I also feel they can use it to check themselves, you know? Learn from each other. (Is that too much to ask for?)

Terry O'Quinn as Smokey in Locke form is TERRIFYING!!!!! crap. Even Ben was all O.O!!!
Oh and when he was talking to Ben about Locke's thoughts right before he died? Chilling... That's the most horrible way to die. "I don't understand." Aghhhhhhhh. Poor John...


Ummm but yes, Jacob is kinda delish. and his ambiguity fuels his hotness. ;) (my fatal weakness, sigh)

Oh and how about that Desmond? thinks he can be wherever he likes, eh? just pop up in a plane and then disappear? pshhh... (I hope he and Penny are alright, though. Their story is way too epic to have a little hiccup like parallel universes disrupt anything! ...right?)

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