Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Fruity goodness!

Last night was a failure. My brownies were too thick so in order to cook all the way, the bottom got a little burnt. and the chocolate bar I used was too bitter and overpowered the peanut butter + cocoa powder. it was just suchhhhh a failure. I threw the whole thing away. after i smashed a part of it in petulant anger. 

The roommates and I ate Shin Ramen, though, which made me feel a whole lot better. :)

On that note, I was thinking about my relationship to food. I've become too emotionally attached to food and that has allowed me to basically drug myself to happy feelings, which is really bad for my body. I would love to become that great cook or baker who is always making delicious foods for myself and other people and spreading a little bit of joy that way, but I would also like to be someone who is at her optimal level of health and energy and promotes that style of living as well.

So I've decided to do a fruit cleanse for 7- 10 days. I started just eating fruits this morning, but I'll probably give it up in Stanford (too complicated when I'm not home + cleanse means no alcohol... ) and then restart on Monday. I know the first 3 days are the most difficult (the last time I tried this, I gave up on day 3...) but I heard that after the third or fourth day is when you start feeling the positive effects of the cleanse. If I make it to day 10 and am still feeling good, I might extend it to as long as possible. But I might start taking in some other raw foods like raw nuts and vegetables as well. This one great website I found recommended that I actually drink two glasses of fresh vegetable juice per day with a tablespoon of flax oil in each along with the fruit cleanse. I think I might just get some of the fresh juices from Trader Joe's. I'm not sure about the flax oil, but I'll visit the New Leaf market and check it out.
Miriam and Erica are going to start the cleanse with me on Monday, too, so we're probably going to do a Costco run to get some fruits. and I'll probably stock up on some Odwalla as well. :) I might try the nasty looking green Superfood that Dominic has been praising...

I think this is a really good way to fix my body and mind of its cravings and try to start over.
Hopefully it will lead me to healthier daily eating habits. I'm also going to try my best to avoid processed foods.
I'm not going to be all anal and refuse to eat certain things when I'm out with people, but just in my own home for everyday consumption, I'll be more conscious.

Also, this song is stuck in my head!! "milku shake, milku shake. ice kreem, ice kreem." hahaha

I'm excited for their comeback! I actually like their single, NU ABO, a lot. There are some parts I can do without but overall I think they pull it off well. Anyway, their songs are always elevated by the visual aspect of their performances, so I'm holding out for their music video and music core performance.
I like their Asianified hipster image (because the annoying aspects of hipsterdom are offset by their lack of whiteness, if you know what I mean. if you don't, do you know me again?). I like f(x) because they're less obviously slick and prettified. Their style and charisma don't pander to the male audience, which is refreshing. That's why I like 2NE1, too. They're just like -BAM- yeah, we're girls, we're pretty, we're talented, and you probably think we'd be cuter in different clothes but bitches, we don't give a fuck! :) I mean, I know their images are all carefully crafted for commercially beneficial reasons, but the idea they're selling is still still important, you know?  And I have a much more natural affiliation towards (and would therefore much rather support) a diluted girl power image over an image that promotes the prioritization of the male gaze (i.e. SNSD, Kara, After School).

The mv will be released tonight (May 6 in Korea).  I hope it's good!!

btw, how effing awkward is Miley Cyrus' new music video?! so embarrassing. She does not do good sexyface.

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