Friday, March 19, 2010

Hellooo, Detective Ford!

Sawyer's episode was OK.
In the off-island universe, I kept waiting for Juliet to come out... grrr I am not okay with him + Kate in that universe either.
Hang in there, Jimmy! True love will come your wayyyy. I believe!! hahaha.

I was never a Sawyer girl to begin with, and I'm really not interested or invested in his personal agenda unless Juliet's a part of it. So... Island Sawyer... I think his only leftover purpose is to help the others. :(.

speaking of which
Sayid!!! Come back to us! >:O!!
Kate ...snore
Claire. o_O o_O o_O I was so freaked out when she grabbed Kate... and then MORE FREAKED OUT when fakeLocke effing smacked her across the face for being a bad girl!!!  what the hell! the two of them are scccary. Imagine being alone in a room with those two! (oh. poor Jin.)
even when she went crying to Kate to apologize, I was half expecting her to throttle Kate's neck or something... :'[ 

exciting news: Lost's 15th episode is gonna be "really light on series regulars. As far as why, let’s just say it’s a big mythology episode and leave it at that."  AHHHHH I CAN'T WAIT.

dude Doc Jensen's crazy theory about Smokey is creeping me out...  I'm gonna watch the latest "Totally Lost" to distract myself from the scary over thinking. That shit makes me sooo giddy. :)

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