Tuesday, March 2, 2010


I'm finally caught up with Lost! I actually saw the televised episode today~. success ;)

Thankfully it was a great episode with quite a few WTF moments (esp towards the end).

I was mighty sad about Dogen... :'(. especially after that story about his son! and that stupid baseball I'd already grown to appreciate as a symbol of a father's heartbreaking sacrifice!
gahhhh why do you make me care about your characters so much, stupid show!
and yeah, loving fathers are my ultimate soft spot.

which is why -gasp- Jack totally (ok, not totally) redeemed himself in a way I never imagined possible (in last week's episode)! I had forever relegated him to douchebag territory and didn't think I'd ever change my mind, but DAMN, they give him a son and all of a sudden I'm all tearing up and forgiving the dumb bastard.... geez, I'm weaksauce. Haha, ok, to my credit, though, it's because Jack FINALLY STARTED REALIZING WHAT A DAMN TRAINWRECK HE WAS (or at least admitted it out loud). Oh, but then he threw a temper tantrum, smashing Jacob's mirror in the lighthouse, and I thought.. oookay, I guess we're takin baby steps, eh, Dr. Shepard?

Also, SAYIIIIIDDDD~! officially gone to the dark side??? ??????? noooo, who else is gonna be the last resort ass-kicker for the Losties?

and Creeeeeepy Claire! I do not want to see her next scene with Kate... Her face freaked the shit out of me when Kate told her about Aaron...

and who else was thrilled at Keamy's reveal in Sayid's off-island reality? I loved him even as his cold-hearted, gonna-blow-up-everything, gonna-kill-anybody, military mercenary self on the island (except when he shot Alex - because POOR BEN. see? sad father syndrome strikes again). His charismatic nonchalance was so much fun to watch and his character sort of a much needed relief from all the messy drama and overabundance of internal conflict present within all the other characters. OK, I might also have found his extreme coldness + physical bruteness somehow attractive (which is weird because he is soo not my type- if I even have one).
Anyway, I was excited to see him again, but of course, Sayid had to get all trigger-happy and shoot the guy! GEEZ, Sayid, way to be fucking badass at the wrong time!! don't you know you should refrain from hurting Susie's favorites, even if they want to kill you??! so. selfish.
(I'm kidddinnngg! of course, Sayid>Keamy)

Hurley was hilarious (in the past I've found him to be grating, but so far this season, he's been having excellent comic chemistry with everyone- especially Miles and surprisingly, Jacob). I think I like him a lot better now because he's less pathetic. He's more self-assured and less whiny, which really let's him shine in all his scenes.

Jacob looks kinda like an ape, huh? Hahhahaa. in cute scruffy blond man form. But the big question: What is his deal? C'MON, CarltonDamonCuseLindelof (Yes, they are one entity)! Get with it!

Oh, and BEN as a high school European History teacher??!?!! YES!!!! I was really impressed with how perfectly Locke fit into his teacher (substitute) role. Like, helllo? Of course that's what he should be doing! But BEN?! Hahahahahahaa, what a lovely little turn of events. I would so want that twisted egomaniac as my history teacher. Wasn't it great how his glasses resembled his little kid glasses?
MORE BEN LINUS, PLEASE. More Ben-Locke moments, please! Terry O'Quinn and Michael Emerson are amazing together.

Oh, I have not forgotten about my McQueen tribute post! I just don't want to half-ass it, so I'm taking my sweet time.

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