Saturday, March 6, 2010


I am soooo tempted to start watching Lost from Season 1 again. but i CAN'T!!! crappy school getting in the way of everything... pshhh....
I was looking at a page for the weapons they used in Lost (don't ask) when the freighter people came up and I was all "hellooo, Keamy," but then saw a picture of the captain, who I had totally forgotten was quite delicious in his own right! hahaha I love Lost for its endless supply of eye candy. I have no problems with objectification as long as it's equal opportunistic objectification! :)

So I've been reading here and there about people's opinions on the new season, and I'm getting so annoyed with all the negative GIMME ANSWERS ASAP crew! If you've stuck with it this far, then you know what you got yourself into. I understand it's the last season and you're getting nervous, but sweating over whether all your little questions will be answered will do no good to anyone! Chill the fuck out and enjoy the ride! Just trust. If at the end, you're unsatisfied, feel free to voice your complaints. But for now, I don't think we, the viewers, know enough to aptly criticize the significance or lack thereof of the parallel universes (which I'm actually enjoying a lot!) or the temple/ new characters.

Anyway, all questions aren't meant to be answered. Sometimes, you've gotta just figure them out yourself and be okay with it. It's not like we'd all interpret any "official" explanation the same way, either.

I mean... would news of the publication of a Lost encyclopedia make me pee in excitement (sorry for being crude)? Hell fucking yes. But do I think it's necessary? No... (but it sure sounds nice......)

Also, I hate Miley Cyrus but this video is awesome.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

miley cyrus is awesome. lost is lame.
whats cooler tumblr or blogspot? i just made a tumblr. k byebye!