Friday, March 19, 2010

Tiger Sexts.

Tiger Woods was never on my radar til his sex scandals broke out. The stories just poured out all at once, out of nowhere, and I was like.. o_O what the hell?! really shocked. I had never viewed him as anything but a boring ol' golfer, but it turned out he was some sex crazed serial cheater with the trashiest taste in women! I mean, it totally made him more interesting (and no, not because of information like that his penis was "beyond adequate" (words from a former porn star), but in a what-the-fuck-was-this-guy-thinking way).
I think I found the numerous mistresses and his correspondence with them fascinating because they spoke a lot about his unhealthily controlling personality and his need to compartmentalize different parts of his life. His beautiful, classy wife produced two little children and fulfilled his perfect family image niche. His successful golf career and endorsements fulfilled his competitive and financial niche. And the tawdry women on the side fulfilled his sexual niche.
The thing is, I sort of sympathize with that need to compartmentalize because it makes life simpler. It's so hard to find someone who encompasses everything you want and need, so why not find different people to match different needs? Well, probably because people get hurt in the process, especially if you're supposed to be in a monogamous relationship (and I also believe it's rare for open relationships to work towards everyone's benefit in the long run).  As mature human beings, we should be able to negotiate and compromise our needs with one another- not flake out, take the easy way out, and lie about it. That only represses the issues at hand in a limited, temporary capacity. In the end, you reap what you sow. So yeah, I understand why Tiger did it, and yeah, I'm not as horrified about it as some other people are, but I also sincerely hope his wife actually scratched his face up and chased him out of the house with a golf club. He totally deserved it. 


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