Tuesday, April 20, 2010


I just woke up from a long and vivid nightmare.

First, I was at a shooting range with a  friend, when 2 of my other friends showed up and one of the guys just SHOT my friend in the arm! I asked him why he did that and he answered he was just making sure the arm pads worked (or something like that)?? Then I swore to him I'd make sure he could never pee right again. hahahahaa. I think I was half joking/half serious.... It was weird. I don't know if he ACTUALLY hurt her, but he definitely did not care about her well-being. He was concerned with the arm pads! haha. Then the shooting range became a bowling alley, but the lanes were made of water and we were aiming our bowling balls at a woman swimming in it. I was trying to knock her out before the guy who shot my friend could do it. Because victory would be revenge. (????!)

In the next dream sequence I remember, the friend who got shot and I were on a plane, and the doors and everything had just been shut, when we remembered something dire we had to do on ground. So before the plane left, we hurried to the now-closed exit and tried to open the door. Of course, the moment the door opened, the plane sped up super quickly, and the force squished me up against the wall. My friend followed suit, and landed against me, knocking the wind out of me. Then, people started flinging out of the plane one by one. Strangely, their forms were really graceful. except when I tried stopping one guy from flying out by putting my legs over the door. He tripped on them and scraped on the ground lengthwise.

Okay, if I imagine the scene right now, it is quite comical, because I recall there were no cries of pain/ bloodshed. There was even one businessman who smoothly left the plane moving with the force (like he was walking on air), and transitioned effortlessly into a brisk walk. He never looked back and acted as though he had landed at his destination and was proceeding with his plans.

When the pilot finally managed to stop the plane, my accomplice and I (I don't even remember who it was) walked out to avoid any awkward discussions with the pilot/crew but of course we were met with officers brandishing a gun at us. So we got arrested and handcuffed.

There was a huge mob waiting for us because of our responsibility in innocent people's deaths. I remember thinking "Dang, how did they even have time to make those posters and get here??" Hahhahaa. Of course, in dream reality, everything goes. The cops we were with were really chill and the handcuffs were super loose. We then transitioned from walking in the airport to some fancy building on the 7th floor, where a group of ANGRY people started blocking our way and threateningly came closer and closer. My friend found an elevator that only had buttons for the 7th, 5th and 1st floor. We rushed in and the door closed before the crowd could reach us, and on the whole ride down, I remember hearing the terrible pounding on the elevator doors. The elevator was really large and beautiful, though.

When the doors finally opened on the 1st floor, we were in a big, fancy, black church. as in African-American church. There was a service going on, and the cop who was supervising us told us he'd find a way out for us if we'd just wait a little. I became really nervous because of my handcuffs, and kept trying to hide them so people wouldn't freak out. My friend and I split up trying to find some sort of space to hide out in. I don't even know if I was trying to run from the law or run from the mob. I just remember that I was terribly paranoid and embarrassed.

Thennnnnn, this one little cartoon man came after me! He was like some racist depiction of black people and about a foot tall. But he was strong and quick! No matter where I hid, he'd find me and threaten to reveal me to the whole church. I tried to step on him because he was so small and also 2D (lol), but he was too quick for me. He chased me into the service, where he threw a big glass jar at me, which then started bouncing on the heads of the people in the congregation, knocking people out. The jar landed in front of me and when I tried to throw it back at him, that's when everyone turned around and saw me throw the glass jar and assumed I had thrown it t all the people. Feeling that something bad was going to happen, I managed to slip out and find an open window. I jumped from the 2nd floor ledge (yeah, from the outside we were actually on the 2nd floor?) to the 1st floor ledge and landed softly on the ground.

At that moment, I became a girl on the run. I thought about how I'd get my handcuffs removed, what I'd do with my cell phone, where I could escape to. I realized I'd have to live a new life and lose contact with everyone in my old life (if I wanted to be a good escapee).

Just as I was about to turn off my phone and symbolically say farewell to my old life, I woke up. and realized I had a paper to write. :).

Ohyeah, Happy 4/20! ^^ 

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