Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Errbody luhs Hugo! *spoiler alert, obvs

Seriously, the latest episode of Lost just... broke me. I understand it's the final episodes, but Christ, there's only so much my poor little brain can organize, reshuffle, contextualize and comprehend in one sitting! It's like... every little thing is connected to so many other things, so it's important to digest it all to try and follow the direction of the show.

The last 5 minutes of the show, my brain shut down in protest, only to be rudely awakened by effing DESMOND RUNNING OVER Sideways LOCKE, leaving him bleeding and mumbling in shock + pain!!!! I . just. freaked out. GAHHHHHH.

So these are all good things, by the way. I am superbly pleased with the level of crazy. mmm yes.

I love this show. Everything's been proceeding well. Hehe. I loved Ilana's sudden death by dynamite. like, there goes another unexplained side story. CUZ AT THIS POINT, YOU DUNT NEEDZ IT (I'm channeling what I feel the writers were trying to get across).

And SERIOUSLY?! did Smokey Locke just throw Desmond down the well? and Desmond survived?! (according to previews for next episode and also, rule of dramatic television: if you didn't see them dying, they probably didn't) ughhh I was so scared the whole time they were out in the jungle alone. (Hahaha I like how I make it sound like the jungle's not a regular part of island life.) I kept waiting for Smokey Locke to stab him in the gut. eurgh.

I can't tell if I want Desmond to have run Locke over because Sideways Locke is actually Smokey and Desmond was trying to kill him (since it happened after Smokey threw him down a well on the island), or if Desmond ran Locke over because it's his way of helping him remember his alternate life via near-death experience (and also being taken to the hospital where Dr. Shepard works? who had previously offered him a free consultation?).
Desmond told Ben right beforehand that his (nonexistent) son's name was Charlie, which was/is his child's name in the island reality, so does that mean he has full awareness of both worlds now?
And if Sideways Locke is Smokey, then... ok I don't even want to go there. I hope Sideways Locke is Locke.
And if Desmond was trying to help Locke, couldn't he have done it in a nicer way?? I mean COME ON. the guy is handicapped and old!!
I'm so confused by the timeline, too. Is the sideways world their future? or a parallel reality? I've been leaning towards parallel reality because the characters' realities seem to be seeping in together, but that can also be due to resurfacing memories and whatnot.
Sigh... I just need Penny and Desmond, Sun and Jin +baby, and Juliet and Sawyer to get together at the end. I have a sneaking suspicion Jack's ex-wife and mother of his child may be Juliet, but GODDAMMIT she better end up with Sawyer and have that effing coffee date!! If the writers put Sawyer and Kate together, ... blood will spill. That is one thing I will never forgive.

Also, Jack was likable? O.O Haha... I like humble Jack. although he's still somehow so arrogant in his humility, if that's even possible.

I think Jack is really the ultimate candidate. The other candidates have their big love stories to hold on to, but Jack- they've slowly steered him away from messy love interests to his personal development. He's the one who has had the most personal baggage from season 1 - not in terms of worst absolute experiences, but in terms of how much he's held on to his past trauma and how big a crutch it's been for him.
I think season 5 is when he became the biggest douchebag of all time, but that high precipitated his transformation/maturation as well.

First, he became a man of faith. It took a suicide (/murder), but ... he changed. Then, he learned to accept responsibility for his wrongdoings without making excuses. He also came to terms with his enormous daddy-issues, which came hand-in-hand with accepting responsibility for his mistakes. The latest big change was his acceptance of outside leadership (dubious or not) without any critique or input. He's okay with making "mistakes" because it's finally penetrated his thick skull that his assessment of right and wrong are not necessarily what's best for everybody at hand. It took Juliet's death for that to happen, but... he changed. heh.
The thing is, even though Hurley took the initiative, in the end, he still sought Jack's approval. Even with all the tumultuous events that transpired through Jack's leadership, they still find comfort in his approval, because in the end, they trust him.

So Jack's the dude whose well-intentioned if naive heart lead to many a death and destruction yet is still the de facto if now behind-the-scenes leader of the group who's fighting for "good" (as opposed to "bad" which seems to thrive on absolute self-interest), and containing Smokey on the island?

I think I smell a Jacob!

"The island is a cork..." Geez, Hurley, how could you not even know that? So SIMPLE, duhh.

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