Sunday, April 4, 2010

I still need to see:

Clash of the Titans (seems like well-made dumb fun with bonus eye candy Sam Worthington- yummy)

How to Train Your Dragon (I want to see this with my friends back home...)

Upcoming movies I want to see:

Kick-Ass (the trailer makes me smile / laugh every time - esp Nic Cage!! surprise!)

The Losers (Jeffrey Dean Morgan? Smexy)

And this is totally random, but I was checking Rotten Tomatoes to see more upcoming movies and WTH The Good, The Bad, The Weird is getting a limited U.S. release on April 9!!! That's friggin awesome.

This movie release is further away, but it sounds super interesting:

Christopher Nolan's Inception (great description here )

ALSO, ALL OF WHEDON'S SHIT IS ON NETFLIX STREAMING! Buffy, Firefly, Angel, Dr. Horrible and Dollhouse!!
I have all of Buffy & Firefly on DVD already, and have seen Dr. Horrible a few times. Angel- I've always had an on/off relationship with... Dollhouse- I never tried it out because of mixed reviews but I heard it's gotten better so maybe I'll give it a shot! Anyway, I'm just excited that everyone with a Netflix account will have instant access to this fantabulous universe of Jossness. May it convert many more to the cult of Whedon. muahahahaha.

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