Sunday, September 19, 2010

So, what was I doing for the past few hours ?

makin some videos! yeeeah that's not embarrassing. Haha I was driven to make these because I couldn't find any on youtube! I realized I had to stop relying on other sources and do it myself! and share the wealth!! :).

Seriously, this scene made me cry because I was laughing so hard.

(sorry, I made the subtitles too small. they're easier to read if you enlarge it.)

like, wtf is she doing, scratching the wall or some shit? hahhahahaaa dear god.... and Hyunjoong's WTF face is so good. esp in this 2nd one:

(the subtitles are litttle better here, but still tiny. haha, I'm learning...)

HAhA. His startled reaction is priceless (I totally credit the director for getting such good timing from HJ. and on that note, I totally blame the director of BBF for being such a shithead :P). I think the best part is that every time I saw her zipped up in the rooster hoodie, it freaked me out, too. so when HJ bugs out, it feels like we're sharing the experience. But then you also feel like you're sharing Hani's embarrassment, too.
In the hands of another actress, it would probably be a lot more awkward or just kinda weird. Jung So Min MAKES IT HAPPEN. She manages to incorporate weird, cute, and comical all into one earnest, endearing performance. I think she may actually be an anime character come to life.

exhibit a:

How freakin adorable was that?!

She is so aware of her body movements and facial expressions that she executes everything perfectly on cue. Love her.


Sam Kim said...

Haha, I usually detest egg-yo, but this is pretty cute.

woozysoozy said...

I know! She's just awesome