Monday, November 23, 2009

I am not a sicko.

We saw the documentary "Japan's Peace Constitution" in my history class today, which was basically a bunch of scholars from different East Asian countries and America discussing the importance of maintaining a demilitarized Japan.
Anyway, there were quite a few clips of ex-Prime Minister Koizumi Junichiro... and yeahh... according to the translations he was saying some dumb shit but I was still a little bit in love with his facial features... hahahahaa AHHHH I'm so sorry. He is really old (not even like... somewhat acceptably middle aged old. he is senior status old!). But I just love the way his large pointy nose looks with his sharp eyes and lips.

Here's an older picture to lessen the ick factor.

Does it lessen the ick factor?
Oh, he's such a small cute man! (a small cute man who pays respects to the spirits of those who terrorized and oppressed my people, but a small cute man nonetheless!)
Aaaand I'm officially done being a teleiophile (I had to spend a few minutes of intense googling to find this term. Appreciate it.)

P.S. Sorry, Roh Moo-hyun. R.I.P.

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