Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Let's go dance in a field with drums and call it a spiritual experience!

I woke up so late today... Today, my Religion & Psych class is doing this fucking WICCAN RITUAL at the Porter Field. Sooo... yeah, I'm not going. Sigh... I feel like such a hater, but holy fuck I hate that class so much ;P. It's so sad because when I actually do go, I still learn a few interesting facts, but those times are not enough to make me want to go back. The professor is nice, but ...treats students like children and indulges the students like they're a bunch of spoiled children, too. Totally not my style. I don't think I like psychologists. I find most of them really presumptuous and nosy (qualities that are probably requisites for the job). Well, at least I only have the final paper left to do for that class. Wait... why I am relieved about that again? It's a 15 page paper on our personal spiritual experiences or something. grr...

I think I'm going to go do my laundry today (instead of class XD). I have to wash all my dirty stuff from the bonfire this past Saturday.

Question! What should I do with my hair? I'm sick of it already (STORY OF MY FUCKING LIFE). I'm thinking...

a) dye it back black
b) dye it back black and straighten it
c) dye it a darker brown
d) dye it a darker brown and straighten it

I would love to do a lighter color but it's too harsh on my hair and too difficult to maintain (esp. since I don't want to go to any salons in Santa Cruz).

I love/hate being in Santa Cruz. I like that I can dress like a bum and be comfortable and all, but I hate that I feel so ridiculous when I try dressing a little differently. There are so many times when I pull out these fun outfits in my room but once I look in the mirror and imagine myself walking outside in them, I change into something less conspicuous. I get so bored with my own outfits... I know I should dress however the heck I want to, but I don't like calling too much attention to myself, either... sigh. so many of my clothes just lay there calling out to me, and all I can give them is a 2 minute private presentation. Sorry, clothes. Your time will come...


jso said...

LOLOMG I may have lied earlier when I say I'm probably never going to read your blogs... I mean, I lied.
1. Why do you have to dye it? I think you should straighten it and do the hair treatment procedure, whatever that entails...
2. I sorta felt the say way at Riverside, but I dressed however I wanted anyway. Sometimes totally bummed it, and other times dressed up like I was going to some special event. I've heard comments/questions for both types, but in the end, no one cares or remembers. Or, I don't care if they do. LOL
3. I really wish I can blog like you do. I tried multiple times, but it just never works out for me. Commenting on others' blogs regularly, though, I can do very easily. Yes, I am quite the odd one.
4. I just noticed your picture! 돼지토끼!!! ㅋㅋ So cute!
5. I also just realized I never finished your little blerb on your profile. So pessimistic!!! Do you really dislike our random chitchats? =[ LOL
Yes, Balance... Harmony... Traditional Chinese Medicine... My professor for this class puts up slide at the end of every lecture titled "Harmony" with a picture of some sort of nature scene. So random.
6. Commenting on every entry made me think of Justin. He is so creeper... but I can't understand your (plural) relationship, so I didn't say anything on FB every time I thought he was being creepy (every time). Why don't we have a plural word for your? -__-
7. I just realized why I don't blog. It's because I start to expect a response from someone and if I don't get any comments, I get slightly disappointed. So, I'd rather just tell someone directly. You are the not-so-lucky winnar! haha!

jso said...

I should really edit before I submit my rant, but you know I'm not that dumb right? HAHA
Forgive my grammar errors please, even though it bothers me to look at them. Why can't I edit my comment!?! =[ *angry*

woozysoozy said...

lol i want to dye my hair because my black roots are showing! so i have to either dye it black or brown.
and what are you talking about?@!!!! our "random chitchats" have so much purpose and meaning!!!!!!!!!! hahahahaaa
i meant i hate random chitchats with random people like:
"heyy... how've you been doing?.... what classes are you taking?... i see... "
and Justin is just... justin! haha...

Anonymous said...


dye your hair dark brown and straigten it.

i think it'll llok fantabulous!!!

woozysoozy said...

puahahaha, I do want to look fantabulous! :D